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Resman Limited is committed to preventing modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour in all its forms. We recognise our responsibility to uphold human rights and ethical practices throughout our operations and supply chains. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines the actions and measures we have taken to address these issues and promote transparency and accountability.
Our Policies:
We have implemented robust policies and procedures to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding modern slavery. These policies include:
Supplier Code of Conduct: We have established a Supplier Code of Conduct that sets clear expectations for our suppliers, contractors, and business partners, emphasising the prohibition of forced labour, child labour, and other exploitative practices.
Due Diligence: We conduct risk assessments and due diligence procedures to identify and assess potential risks of modern slavery within our supply chains. This includes regular monitoring and evaluation of our suppliers’ compliance with our standards.
Employee Awareness and Training: We provide training to our employees to raise awareness about modern slavery, its signs, and reporting mechanisms. This empowers our workforce to identify and report any potential cases of exploitation.
Reporting and Transparency:
We encourage the reporting of any suspicions, concerns, or incidents related to modern slavery. We have established confidential reporting mechanisms that enable employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to raise concerns without fear of reprisals. We are committed to thoroughly investigating any reported incidents and taking appropriate actions to address them.
Continuous Improvement:
We are dedicated to continually improving our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies, procedures, and due diligence processes to align with evolving best practices. We collaborate with industry partners, NGOs, and other stakeholders to exchange knowledge and collectively address this issue.
Board Approval:
This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by Resman Limited ‘s Board of Directors, who are committed to ensuring its implementation and effectiveness.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year 2024. It has been published on our website and communicated throughout our organisation.
For any questions or further information regarding our approach to combatting modern slavery, please contact us.
Resman Limited
22 Rose Lane
L18 5ED
Phone: 0151 729 0101